The first nine minutes of “Once Upon a Time”

Lana Parrilla as the Evil Queen in Once Upon a Time

Lana Parrilla as the Evil Queen in "Once Upon a Time"

The new ABC drama Once Upon a Time, produced by LOST writers Edward Kitsis and Adam Horowitz, starts tonight (Sunday, Oct. 23, 2011) at 8:00 p.m. (7:00 central)

Keep an eye out for the rumored LOST shout-outs somewhere in the pilot: a clock that says 8:15 and a Geronimo Jackson bumper sticker.

A clip of the first nine minutes is below, or you can watch the entire pilot on IMDB.

More info on the official site.

Carlton Cuse creating a new show about a spiritual guide

Carlton Cuse

According to New York Magazine’s Vulture, Carlton Cuse and author Rob Bell have signed a deal with ABC to co-write and co-executive produce a show called Stronger, about a musician who becomes a “benefactor and spiritual guide.”

The show will be “loosely based on Bell’s own life story as a musician who ended up founding his own church, Michigan’s Mars Hill Bible Church,” which is more Oprah than fire-and-brimstone.

“There’s also expected to be a narrative twist to the project that will make it a bit unconventional, but for now, that detail is being kept secret”

Carlton is also working on another show for ABC, Point of Honor, which has something to do with the Civil War, and is writing an African adventure movie which will star Hugh Jackman.

Damon Lindelof says LOST might not have lasted more than three seasons without the Internet

Damon Lindelof

Damon Lindelof was the keynote speaker at the New York Television Fest on Thursday, and he had a lot of very interesting things to say about the history of LOST. An audiotape of the talk is posted at Dark UFO. These are some excerpts from a write-up at


[After Damon met J.J. Abrams to talk about the show, he started coming up with ideas.]

“The biggest issue with a desert island show was the audience is going to get very frustrated that the characters were not getting off the island,” [Damon] said. “My solution was, hey, let’s get off the island every week. And the way we’re going to do that is we’re going to do these flashbacks.

We’ll do one character at a time and there’s gonna be like 70 characters on the show, so we’ll go really, really slow, and each one will basically say, here’s who they were before the crash and it’ll dramatize something that’s happening on the island and it will also make the show very character-centric.”

Abrams liked the idea, and also had another: “‘There should be a hatch on this island! They spend the entire season trying to get it open. And there should be these other people on the island,'” Lindelof recalled Abrams saying. “And I’m like, ”We can call them The Others.’ And he’s like, ‘They should hear this noise out there in the jungle.’ And I’m like, ‘What’s the noise?’ And he’s like, ‘I don’t fucking know. They’re never gonna pick this thing up anyway.'”

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“Person of Interest” pilot is being rerun tonight

Person of Interest pilot

Person of Interest pilot

The Person of Interest pilot episode is being rerun tonight (Saturday) at 8:00 p.m. (that’s right now, in the Eastern time zone).

Some thoughts on the “Person of Interest” pilot episode

Through the eyes of a security camera

Finch, Reese, and the first "person of interest" seen through the eye of a security camera

Though I was able, with an effort, to suspend disbelief during the early scene on the subway, it had an oddly retro 1970s feel. I’m living in NYC now, after a long time away, and the subways these days feel very safe. I doubt there are many – or any — armed gangs prowling the subway cars now. The biggest danger on the train is getting an earache from the loud panhandling musicians who use the subway cars for their stage, whether anyone particularly wants to listen to them or not. [Editing to add 10/6/11 — Oops, I spoke too soon. Just heard on the news there’s a gang robbing the subways now.]

One reason the subways are safe is that the city as a whole is much safer than it used to be in the 60s, 70s, and 80s. But the subways in particular have gotten safer since 9/11 because of the huge number of cops who are now hanging around, mostly in the stations, but also sometimes walking through the trains, because the subways are an obvious target of terrorists.

Which brings me to what I found most intriguing about the Person of Interest pilot – the way that it used 9/11 as a plot point. It’s the first television show – the first piece of any kind of pop culture that I’m aware of – that wove 9/11 into a fictional story, not as the main focus, but as part of the backstory.

I like that. Especially coming so soon after the 9/11 tenth anniversary, which itself brought a feeling of partial closure, and the construction (finally) of the new WTC buildings and the completion of the Memorial — I think it’s a sign that we are getting back to normalcy, that 9/11 is not so raw any more, not too raw to be used in such an offhand way.

As for the rest of the show, I would watch Michael Emerson do anything – I could listen to him recite nursery rhymes all day — but Mr. Finch does not come close to having Benjamin Linus’s charisma, evil or otherwise. Maybe that’s an unfair comparison – Ben was probably a once-in-a-lifetime role that nothing will ever match. But I would at least like to see more chemistry between Emerson and Caviezel. It feels like a buddy movie where the relationship between the buddies hasn’t yet coalesced.

I’m most curious about the backstory. Mr. Finch has hinted at a loss in his past, and I assume that has something to do with his limp. I hope there is an overarching storyline that the show will explore, and that it doesn’t become just about a new crime with a twist ending every week.

The way they photographed New York is interesting. So many movies and TV shows have been shot here that it’s hard to make it look different – but Person of Interest manages to pull it off, looking at the city as if through a paranoid eye, with all the jittery cuts and lengthy shots of the omnipresent security cameras.

It reminded me of “1984,” where the population was always being watched. But I can’t quite get a handle, yet, on the show’s point of view. The constant monitoring is certainly being presented as sinister – yet it’s that same monitoring that enables Finch and Reese to save lives. Perhaps the tension between the creepy and life-saving uses of the all-watching “machine” will be what lies at the heart of the show?

Oh, and something funny. The names of the threads on the Television Without Pity forums are often very clever, but this time they outdid themselves, calling the Person of Interest thread “Ben Linus Finally Finds Jesus.”

What did you think of the pilot episode of “Person of Interest”? (poll)

Person of interest pilot scene in park

"Person of Interest" pilot

I liked it, didn’t love it, but am looking forward to watching the next episode to see where it goes.

(Editing to add: You can watch the pilot online on the official CBS site)

(More) Michael Emerson on the David Letterman Show

In honor of the “Person of Interest” premiere tonight, here’s a clip of Michael Emerson on the David Letterman show a couple of weeks ago (on September 6, 2011).

You may have already seen the first half (either on this blog or elsewhere) where Emerson talks about playing Ben on LOST — if not, it’s definitely worth watching. In the second half of the clip, Emerson tells an anecdote about his early stage-acting days, and David Letterman plays a clip from Emerson’s first screen role — in an instructional video for a prison.

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