Category Archives: Lost Untangled

Lost Untangled 5×13 Some Like it Hoth

Would you believe I still haven’t finished my taxes? (Do I get some kind of procrastination award?) Well, here’s the Lost Untangled video which I’m just going to plop down for the moment… I’ll come back later, post-taxes, to add on some comments ….

Editing to add: Now I’m back.

What I learned from the video is that Bram, the kidnapper in the van who asks Miles if he knows what’s in the shadow of the statue, is the same guy who was with Ilana on the beach when she was posing the same question to Lapidus!

Ilana and Bram

Ilana and Bram

The narrator also confirms that Baby Miles is, indeed, the same person as Big Miles. (I had been wondering if perhaps Chang, after deserting one family, had started another, and gave the new baby the same name as his first, deserted son. Another theory bites the dust!) So time really is folding in on itself!

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